Saturday, October 8, 2016


Nope, not a mistype of LOL however there is a lot to be said about laughing out loud.

L.A.L. - Love And Light. Send it out and watch it come back. Project it out there, change the world one positive thought at a time. Watch how amazing your life becomes.

Those are what miracles are made of!

Now if you do it a couple times then give up, you quit too soon. It's not overnight like dyeing your hair. Patience is what it takes like graying of the hair! 

Have fun with it. Picture a rainbow of glittery white light with red hearts sliding down. Who knows when but eventually you'll be hit by your own rainbow.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Flexible Mold

Flexible Mold

Not the stuff that grows on cheese, though there's a lot to learn from it. Let's face it that's some tough stuff!

Every day is another day we mold ourselves into what, who, how we want to be. Some of us have experiences that we mold to be solid, tough, non-movable. Other's experiences mold them soft, mushy, not-sticking-together-too-well. Yeah everyone has their experiences - different strokes for different folks - but we have to learn to be flexible. A happy medium of soft, mushy but still solid and tough. We can bend and move when we need to give a little but not all. Why you ask - for love! To experience both receiving and giving. So as you move through life's experiences try to be a flexible mold - think of it as J-E-L-L-O giggling!