Saturday, February 25, 2017

Order in the Court! 

The jury is in and the judgement is out. That's right, put it in the papers. No one likes being judged or criticized for their choices, especially personal ones like tattoo's, piercings, clothes, even religious choices. Both sides can make a good arguing points about their thoughts and views. Looking at someone to determine if they are worthy is contempt of court. Don't be the judge or even the jury - be the one outside walking along the sidewalk - minding your own business.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Stay Connected

Just the opposite of what you're thinking - your electronics, social media, the internet - nope none of the above. In fact disconnect from that, at least minimize. Yes it can be used in positive ways but lets be honest it's not 100% so you should at least try to disconnect more than connect.
So what am I referring to...ummm....people. OMG you mean you should actually talk to someone and look them in the eye & stand close. And when you're really brave and have that mastered - give them a hug!
Why connect with people face to face / over the phone / on a one-to-one basis - for personal space; for personal connection; for intimitance. People really poor out their true feelings & emotions on a personal one-on-one level and BAM, you connect.
Next time you pick up your phone or log in to the internet connect with people, bring them a smile and think about lego's connecting cuz then Everything is Awesome!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Say What?  

Just say it already - people don't have to like what you say & vice versa (2 fold) but that doesn't give a right to be mean, aggressive, verbally abusive, etc. So many people act first or don't even listen, just respond. If you speak from the heart that's all that matters. Life's too short, why not speak your word!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Get Down!  

Yes take cover! Don't let those negative nellies get you, duck and weave. If you get hit by one - shake it off, don't return the throw. Let it drop, break the cycle, rise above. Think of it as doing burpee's - they are a pain in the butt of up's and downs but serve their purpose.